Monday, November 10, 2008


Thursday - 11/6 - Just took a short break to recharge my Vitamin D level, and realized I forgot to mention under the animals/birds paragraph in the previous blog, that everywhere we have gone in Florida, there are buzzards lazily circling overhead. To support these numbers, there must be a lot of dead carrion lying around. Around the garbage dumps, instead of sea gulls like we have back home, hundreds of buzzards circle above it, looking like a whirlpool of bird life. Also, there are often buzzards circling almost so high you can barely see them. I guess they are looking for other birds congregating around some food they have found.

Gee, this is one of those rare times when I am completely alone. Mike & Mave have gone to pick up Caleb from pre-school, then will have lunch with Zachary at his school, Christinia is at School and Corrina is at work (hair/nail specialist). I was supposed to be catching up on my blog, but I can also sun-bathe, nap or eat left-over Halloween candy for lunch. Hmmm, may do everything.

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