Wednesday, November 12, 2008


WEDNESDAY - 11/12 - Just got back from my second solo driving in Florida as I took Zachary to the bus stop and picked up some groceries. To help acclimate me to the Pac. NW I went through a rain shower, but, it's still over 70 out.

More observations, I really like the traffic situation here compared to Phoenix, where it seems everybody is in a big rush and they constantly tailgate you. Here they drive courteously, for the most part, however, on the turnpike where Mike drives 5 over, he is continually passed by drivers going at least 10 mph faster. I guess Mike is maturing because in Arizona, NOBODY passed him. And, you rarely see state patrol pulling people over. Gas was down to $2.12 at 7-11 this morning, not bad. Hope it is coming down back home.

Other than the first few days of our visit, the weather has been lovely, seldom too warm for comfort. While we notice the humidity, the locals say this is much better than during hotter times.

Kevin comes for a short visit this weekend, so the kids get little rest from entertaining. Weather is turning worse then, probably will barely be 70. Tough luck Kevie.

Maybe I'm having a Senior Moment, but I can't remember if I talked about the space shuttle launch coming up? As I recall, this is the last one for the foreseeable future. It was originally schedule for a few weeks ago, and thought we MIGHT get lucky and see it go off during our visit. While we were here, they announced it would go off the 13th, tomorrow, the day AFTER we depart. Seester Donna Jean couldn't believe we wouldn't arrange to lay over a day to see a once in a lifetime event. Well Seester, for a mere $200 extra, we could have stayed, for a 15 minute event that very well could have been rescheduled. Which it turns out is was, until Friday the 14th. Also, many of the Florida days this time of year are partly cloudy, and our kids went to one launch that almost immediately got lost in the clouds. So, we will watch it on TV at home.

Last night we magnanimously offered to take Mike & Corinna out for a "thank you" dinner, the only time the four of have had alone. They took us back to the Cocoa Beach area to a really nice restaurant on the Florida River, which is part of the Inter-Coastal waterway. Absolutely delightful, watching the sun set, the myriad of sea birds and swarms of catfish that boil the water below you, waiting for a handout. We had a great waiter, Jacob, or was it Jason, who went along with my normal Brown kidding, and gave it back to me. As soon as the sun set, they brought out propane heaters as the temperature drops quickly. Instead of the sour dough bread many restaurants bring to fill you up befoe you eat, they brought out baskets of Corn Fritters that were scruptious. And, they bring out "complimentary" cole slaw. Suprising how many differences there are between living areas. After dinner, on the way back through Cocoa beach, Mike stopped along the beach where we watched almost a full moon reflecting off the Atlantic. Beautiful! How many Washingonians, or Oregonians, get to see the moon reflecting on the Atlantic? But, how many east coasters get to watch a sunset over the Pacific. Life is good!

1 comment:

Just call me Mommy said...

Just a comment about the space shuttle program. There are still quite a few shuttle launches scheduled. It is not supposed to stop until 2010, and even that could be up in the air. The next generation space 'shuttle' is supposed to come about in 2014. It is completely different than what the shuttle is, but they are using parts of the shuttle that they have now. Which is one of the reasons it will be a few year difference.
I am enjoying reading your blog and you have been very kind to us. We really have enjoyed your visit, and hope that you will make visiting Florida at least a yearly trip. Hopefully as more time goes by, we will learn more non-touristy stuff to take you to.